Nairobi cityscape - capital city of Kenya

DFC at Work:

Investing in Kenya

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DFC joined President Biden in welcoming Kenyan President William Ruto to the United States. His visit marked the 60th anniversary of U.S.-Kenya diplomatic relations and will celebrate a partnership that is delivering for the people of the United States and Kenya.

News from DFC

As a key part of President Ruto's visit, the United States unveiled more than $250 million in new investments through DFC. The announcements bring the U.S. financing agency’s portfolio in Kenya to over $1 billion, including in affordable housing, digital infrastructure, and energy, with a focus on Kenya's growing e-mobility sector.

Contact DFC Press for more details and to arrange media interviews.

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“The U.S. and Kenya have strong ties that include a robust relationship with the private sector. DFC is reinforcing its commitments to Kenya’s development with investments into energy, e-mobility, and infrastructure.”

DFC CEO Scott Nathan

DFC CEO Scott Nathan and Kenyan President William Ruto

What’s New

in Kenya

$180M for affordable student housing

Acorn Holdings Limited

$51M to increase digital connectivity

M-KOPA Kenya Limited

$30M to grow the e-mobility sector

Mogo Auto Kenya, BasiGo, Roam Electric Limited

$500K for small business lending

Pezesha Africa Limited

A DFC office in Nairobi

Opening a regional DFC office at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi

$14M for innovative healthcare solutions

Hewa Tele and Kasha Global

$10M to increase farmers’ access to fertilizer

African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership, Inc.

$10M to revitalize the pyrethrum sector

Kentegra Biotechnology

$1M to improve weather forecasting for farmers

Ignitia AB

$500K to revolutionize cold chain technology

Keep IT Cool

The strong ties between Kenya and the U.S. are reinforced by a robust relationship with the private sector.

As part of his visit, President Ruto joined DFC in unveiling new investments across key sectors. To support these and future transactions, DFC intends to expand its on-the-ground presence with a new office in Nairobi.

Advancing Shared Priorities

DFC is mobilizing private capital for projects that are building critical infrastructure, expanding digital connectivity, and supporting e-mobility across the country.

Construction site planning

The United States and Kenya are partnering to drive shared prosperity and innovation.

Investment Highlights

DFC support for the Kipeto Wind Power Project is helping provide reliable power to Kenyan households.

DFC financing to Africa Data Centres is creating local jobs and bolstering Kenya’s growing tech sector.

Downtown Nairobi, Kenya

About DFC

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) invests in private sector solutions to the world’s most critical challenges. We offer a full suite of financial products that help businesses invest in key sectors, including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business support. We are a trusted partner that brings U.S. values of openness, transparency, and respect for the environment, human rights, and worker rights to foster a safer, more prosperous world.



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